IAS Masterclass
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Digital Landscape Overview – South Africa and Globally
If a fully integrated digital agency with creative, strategic and production capabilities is what marketers are looking for in South Africa,* how should a marketer be certain to find what they need in the current, complex digital agency environment?

Join us as we demystify the digital landscape in South Africa, explain the variety of digital offerings available, do some comparisons internationally and include insights from three digital “gurus”

* Per the SCOPEN AgencyScope 2017 study

With the Digital Landscape Marketer’s Masterclass, less than a month away, the Independent Agency Selection (IAS) recommends that marketer’s book their seats now as this promises to be one for the books.

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The IAS is hosting the masterclass “Digital Landscape Overview – South Africa and Globally”, which will explain the variety of digital offerings available; unpack some comparisons internationally; and include insights from three digital “gurus”.

The Masterclass will be facilitated by Johanna McDowell, Managing Director of the Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS).

Speakers include:

Prakash Patel, seasoned award-winning marketer, now MD for Fogg CT; Kevin Lourens, co-founder of NATIVE VML and currently Chief Growth Officer; and Shaune Jordaan, co-founder and former CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi Synergize and former managing director of Saatchi & Saatchi Pro and Cesar Vacchiano, President and CEO of SCOPEN.

The Masterclass will cover the following:

•  The current digital landscape and groupings of digital agencies by specialty

•  Assessing a digital agency capability

•  Is conflict an issue in digital agencies? Why is this different from “creative” agencies?

•  Digital transformation within global brands

•  Challenges networks face from digital integration and disruption

•  Case studies on:

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  • CRM – Customer Relationship Management
  • Business Transformation

Date, Time & Venue:

Date: Monday 20 November 2017

Time: 14.00 pm – 17.00 pm (Registration at 13.30 pm)

Venue: IoD – Institute of Directors, Graystonridge Office Park, 144 Katherine Street, Sandton

Cost: R 2500,00 ex VAT per person

Delegates are encouraged to contact Hlamazi Mabunda at the IAS on 010 594 0280 or Hlamazi@agencyselection.co.za for more information about the masterclass.

About The IAS

The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006. IAS specializes in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies.

International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world.

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA). Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.  Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space.

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.