SPARK Media recently hosted Dr Nicole Hartnett, marketing scientist and Senior Research Associate with the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for marketing science. She addressed marketers, media strategists and planners, discussing “the real reason why marketers need advertising.”
“This is in line with our promise to continually share ‘Insights that Ignite’ with our valued clients,” said Gill Randall, joint CEO of SPARK Media. “Our membership of the institute is now into its 13th year, and hosting the various EBI academics over the years has really seen many of South Africa’s marketing and media professionals buy into the EBI world view of evidence-based marketing.
We at SPARK Media, are proud to be firm believers and strong advocates for the scientifically proven marketing principles and laws, espoused by the world’s largest group of marketing scientists.”
Nicole’s main research area is, advertising, with a particular focus on brain-friendly creativity, and its relation to ad-effectiveness.
The presentation made reference to the major advances in neuroscience and our understanding of how the brain works, to provide additional evidence to the established EBI principles. “Because after all, we advertise to ‘brains’ not people” said Nicole. “It’s a gate-keeper to our consciousness”.
Our brains use both emotion and rational centres when making decisions, not one or the other, as previously thought. We are never fully emotive without cognition and vice versa. Most of the decision making happens unconsciously, so ‘catching’ a brain in a distracted and cluttered environment becomes a real challenge. We are task-orientated, so we tend to screen out anything that is not relevant at the time.
So, how do we best create the ‘mental availability’ needed to leverage the probability of your brand been thought of in a buying situation (the real goal of marketing)? Emotion trumps rationality in creating memory structures and retrieval of messages. But you need both for brand-building efforts.
The stronger the network of association brands can build over time, the higher the probability of the brand being thought of in more situations. Advertising and marketing interventions that can evoke an emotion does this more effectively than just a rational message. Having said that, a simple message like “50% off” elicits emotion too!
Most consumers are more inclined to ‘notice’ brands they use (relevance), than non-users of the brand. This makes it harder to try and engage light and non-users; and we know from the EBI, that it is critical to do this, in order to grow your brands.
Nicole went on to offer a few tips to help achieve this:
1) Cut through mental screening – emotions and relevance.
2) Use easy to notice branding! Use consistency and leverage distinctive assets
3) Refresh existing memory structures (know what’s in people’s heads – and make the message clear and simple).
Advertising works best when it refreshes (and sometimes creates new) existing memory structures, but it is poor at making arguments to get us to think rationally about it.
To hear more, contact SPARK Media on 010 492 8390, visit www.sparkmedia.co.za, follow us on Twitter – www.twitter.com/SparkMediaSA or connect with ‘SPARK Media’ (sparkmediasa) on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Spark Media DNA
Established in 2015, SPARK Media, a division of CTP Ltd, are experts in retail and location based marketing solutions. The company owns and represents a myriad of print and digital products that deliver locally relevant, effective audiences for advertising clients. SPARK Media are Strategic Partners in Audience Research and Knowledge and offer ‘Insights that Ignite’.
On behalf of:
SPARK Media – Gill Randall – Joint CEO +27 10 492 8390
Prepared by:
Owlhurst Communications
T: +27 11 234 2882
Mark Campbell / Chirene Campbell
Facebook: Owlhurst Communications