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 13 July 2017

If reaching 840+ brands, 730+ advertising agencies and numerous small to medium size business owners from around the globe interests you or your company. Drop us an email – info@adcomm.co.za or give us a call – +2711 075 3817. We have a fantastic offer that is absolutely unbelievable.

Take a look at our business directory for conveniently listed and highly recommended advertising & marketing suppliers. If there is anything you are looking for and cannot find it on our directory. Feel free to pop us an email: info@adcomm.co.za and we will gladly see if we can source them for you.

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News on ADCOMM is updated daily and it is either positive, informative, educational or not at all.

Enjoy your week!


Kilted Media launches – A new offering by Owlhurst Communications

“An opportunity existed to provide smaller brands and SMMEs with access to media tools, strategy, implementation and negotiation that is normally only available to larger entities,” says Mark Campbell, The Kilted Man at Kilted Media. “It’s a great way to offer our clients access to 360° communication that includes PR and advertising across the spectrum of media platforms.”

Ditch Your Keys and use Uber

Ross Adami, Marketing Manager for Uber South Africa says, “Through this campaign, we wanted to convince the millions of car owners in South Africa to consider ditching their vehicles for Uber in situations where cars are painful. We set out to do this by showing them that in many cases, the collateral pain points of owning and operating a car simply isn’t worth it.”

OOH advertising takes a giant stride forward

As marketing and advertising budgets are becoming even more pressurised, brands are realising that reach and frequency – the traditional advertising metrics, are no longer the be-all and end-all. Rather, it’s having meaningful and deeper engagements with individual consumers that are becoming increasingly important.

Helping Small Businesses Succeed in a Mobile World

“We need to invest in the future of small businesses because they are the engine of economic growth in South Africa,” says Abi Williams, Facebook’s Sales Manager for Small and Medium Businesses in Middle East, Turkey and Africa. “Our Future of Business Survey shows small businesses want to create new jobs in the next six months. Giving them the ability to take mobile, personalised marketing to our global community will help them unlock their potential and reach new markets.”

Digital State of Mind

Unfortunately, marketing budgets are often the first internal expenditure to be pruned. Research, however, has proven that brands that have survived previous economic slumps and recessions are those that have continued to market themselves and have thus remained part of the decision purchasing cycle. It is imperative, then, that businesses, that wish to remain in the forefront of consumers’ minds, continue with their marketing endeavours.

Some Inspiration:

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”.
~      Nelson Mandela


LDL Marketing

At LDL Marketing we practice the art of promoting your brand name and corporate identity.

Aquacy Premium Branded Water

Aquacy premium pure bottled water has the Aquacy logo, or it can be branded according to your requirements.


Adapt has won many product design awards, with our products being used by notable global companies including SAB/Miller, INBEV, Coca-Cola, British American Tobacco, Lipton, Distell, Virgin, Pick ‘n Pay, Woolworths, etc. worldwide. Our products are exported to more than 25 countries, throughout Africa, South / Central America, Europe and the United Kingdom.


Adcomm Media
Press releases please send to – editor@adcomm.co.za


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