Using a cross section of digital mediums, Red Bull launches special editions with traditional and digital consumer interaction.
Blogging to create awareness
Phase I
The idea behind the campaign was to tempt consumers to try Red Bull’s three new flavours – Cranberry, Lime and Blueberry.
Blogger engagement was used as a target for three cities: Johannesburg; Cape Town and Durban.
“Rich media banners were designed to take over the site for a few seconds and cans would either ‘launch’ off the page or ‘explode’ against a city skyline depending on which phase you were in. This online engagement was combined with a real-world interactive touch screens mounted on to can shaped vending machines, where you could get a free can of Red Bull once you connected with the touch screen, allowing the consumer to try the new flavours,” says Anine de Wet, account director, Trigger Isobar.
She says this medium “had the same powerful impact of a billboard, but allowed consumers to actually taste the products.”
Using Twitter
Phase II
A competition in which consumers can enter online to win an overseas Red Bull experience for two, including accommodation was used.
The three cities taking part are ‘colour coded’. Johannesburg is the #rededition. Durban is the #silveredition and Cape Town is the #blueedtion. Fans and followers are encouraged to back their city to light up first by tweeting the hash tag associated with each city. If ones city lights up first they’ll be entered into the grand prize to win a choice of one of three Red Bull experiences:
The campaign will culminate on Guy Fawkes, 5 November, when Red Bull will light up the winning city.
Maximising digital
Phase III
Closing the loop on Phase 1, the Red Bull Vending Cans were added to the digital sites and users could view their top scores and pictures from where they made their appearance around the country. The first vending machines were placed at Rocking the Daisies festival in Darling in October.
The machine interface allows users to view product info and play the game, but at the same time, they had to fill in their data, with the option to opt in for Red Bull communication, after which mailers would be deployed informing them of their top scores and reminding them of the competition.