ALLIANCE MEDIA observes world environment day
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Alliance Media joins in the celebration of World Environment Day, recognising that everyone has the responsibility to take responsibility for our environment.

Alliance Media has donated 5,000 trees via Trees for the Future to the African continent, and is encouraging staff, suppliers and even clients to do something significant to make a positive contribution to the environment.

Alliance medias roots have been in Africa for 20 years

A few ideas to make a difference on World Environment Day:

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·         Plant a tree: We know it’s difficult to find space in a metropolitan city,
         but if you’ve got space plant an indigenous tree.

·         Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: If you’re not already into this habit, it’s a good day
         of the year to start. These 3R’s are magic mantras when it comes to
         environmental conservation and sustainable usage.

·         Publicise: Let people know what you plan to do and do it this World Environment Day.
          Use Twitter hashtags like #StayGreen or #WorldEnvDay and spread the message.

“The old adage of the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is now, made us think why wait – let’s get started? Alliance Media is invested and committed to this continent, so let’s help make sure it will continue to grow and thrive” says Greg Benatar, Sales & Marketing Director, Alliance Media.

Operating in 23 countries, with 20 years experience, Alliance Media has been awarded the European Union Award for innovative media and the prestigious “Best Outdoor Advertising Company” award in multiple markets for the past nine consecutive years.

For more information about how Alliance Media grows brands in Africa or to advertise in any of the countries in which Alliance Media operates, contact the Africa desk at or on +27 11 880 4664.