PoPIA: 5 Tips to secure electronic signatures in your business
With many businesses forced into remote working by the Covid-19 pandemic - and likely to continue working a physical-virtual hybrid model for the foreseeable...
Hot reception for Castle Lite’s Cold Tracker
Sometimes delivering great results for a client demands that an agency takes a proactive stance and puts an opportunity to innovate on the table....
Primedia Outdoor celebrates Valentine’s Day once again with their outstanding #PrimediaBigLove campaign
For the third consecutive year, Primedia Outdoor celebrated Valentine’s day in the most extraordinary way with their renowned #PrimediaBigLove campaign. The campaign invites the...
MALL ADS Re-Launches MALL TV for Mass Market Audience
Mall Ads™ has re-launched Mall TV™, with a renewed focus on targeting the mass market segment of the South African population.
In strengthening the Mall...
How mobile technology is driving strong retail sales in brick and mortar stores
Retail sector investment into mobile apps and platforms has been accelerated by the global pandemic.
There can be no doubt that the next era of...
The Evolution of the IT Department
The traditional caricature of the IT department was of a group of tech geeks ensconced in the basement of a company, never seen by...
3 tech trends to watch in 2020
As we enter a new decade, all aspects of technology will continue to accelerate. Developments in space travel, quantum computing and an increase in...
MyToyota launches intelligence platform to keep Toyota drivers connected
FCB Joburg has pulled together a 360° campaign to communicate Toyota South Africa’s innovative cloud-based Internet-connected intelligence platform aimed at providing in-mobility WiFi connected...
Why the fundamentals matter in B2B digital marketing
Opinion Piece
Thanks to platforms such as LinkedIn, a company’s website, and its own social media channels, more and more business-to-business (B2B) technology companies are...
Spotify Premium now offering new (Premium) users the first 3 months for free
Spotify Premium is giving users who are new to Premium* more time to fully enjoy its unique features with the first 3 months for...