Dataton continues to expand and develop its popular Academy education program. After a record-breaking 2016 with events in 20 locations – including Johannesburg and Cape Town – the Academy has forged ahead with sessions in UAE, Germany and Sweden. Dataton now aims to reach even more users by educating and certifying staff from its network of premium partners as Academy trainers. Representatives from PENMAC, the Dataton Premium Partner in South Africa, were invited to attend the first such “Train the Trainer” session at Dataton HQ in Linköping, Sweden.
“The growth of WATCHOUT on every continent, fuelled by the consistent launch of new and increasingly indispensable features, has highlighted the need for well-coordinated and repeatable international training,” said Mikael Ena, Senior Product Manager, Dataton AB. “With highly skilled, certified Academy trainers we can bring the Academy concept to users on their home ground and in their own language.”
Having already hosted a very successful Dataton Academy in 2016, PENMAC were keen to attend the “Train the Trainer” initiative and become certified trainers. “Due to the inordinate local interest in the Academy training in June 2016, an extension to the original academy schedule hosted in Johannesburg and Cape Town was required. There is undoubtedly a great demand for knowledge and training throughout the region,” commented Malcolm Finlay, PENMAC.
Other participants at the first Train the Trainer session hailed from Israel, Italy and Hong Kong. “Meeting with other professionals, with years of WATCHOUT experience from various countries around the world is always an educational time, and our visit to Dataton head office in March was again such an event,” said Finlay.
Following their appointment as certified trainers, PENMAC will be publishing future dates for Academy training continuously throughout the year with the first session scheduled for May.
About Dataton
Founded in 1973, Swedish show control developer and manufacturer, Dataton serves core markets in multi-media entertainment, visitor attractions, digital signage, scenography, event production and corporate AV. The company’s flagship product is the award-winning Dataton WATCHOUT multi-display production and presentation system. Fully scalable, software-based and requiring no proprietary hardware, WATCHOUT orchestrates still images, animations, graphics, video, sound and live feeds into a single impressive show across multiple display areas, either soft-edge blended or scattered. Research and development facilities are located in Linköping, Sweden, and Dataton has worldwide representation through an established partner network.
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