The 18th All Media Research Conference will take place from 27-30 August 2017 at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa and will address the theme ‘Content is King, and he is one of us’.
The conference offers media owners, researchers, marketers and advertisers the opportunity to network with industry leaders from across Africa and to attend presentations from creative brand studies, social media, media audience and measurement research and/or relevant case studies.
Some of the confirmed presentations include:
Brian Fuhrer (USA), SVP, National & Cross Platform Product Leader for Nielsen, will talk about the integration of RPD (return path panels) into the television audience measurement (TAM). The concept of RPD is critical to the future of most markets given the fragmentation that dynamic ad insertion will introduce in the future. Using it in the near term to stabilise audiences and increase reliability presents an enormous opportunity. Netflix has changed consumption and Fuhrer will address how marketers, broadcasters, and research companies need to deal with it.
Hank Bento (SA), AGB Nielsen Media Research Associate Director: Analysis Software, presents a case study on the fusion of industry media data. The study from New Zealand aims to show how the reliable and accurate fusion of data can provide a complete overview of media penetration and a total audience view of any given market. This allows for planning and strategic decisions to illustrate the true performance of a campaign and not just individual medium performances.
Samantha Loggnberg (SA), Research Director Qualitative Intelligence, talks about paid content based on research into the under 25 market in South Africa. The paper explores changes in media behaviour and the impact of digital content and technology access, as well as a changing relationship with TV content.
To register as a delegate at the conference and to book accommodation, to join PAMRO, or for more information, please visit:
The All Media Research Conference encompasses a 360° view of media research and measurement to drive relevance, creativity and innovation in advertising and media planning, now and in the future. All the disciplines in the marketing and media sector are invited to participate: creative, digital, research, media planning, media sales, public relations and content producers.
PAMRO seeks to create a forum for industry organisations, media research providers, media owners, marketers and advertising agencies in different African countries to exchange knowledge and to learn from one-another’s successes and failures, to ensure the highest quality and to harmonise our research methodologies, thereby leading to a continental media research database. We include the Indian Ocean Islands in all our activities and underwrite the rules of market research bodies such as those of the World Organization for Research Professionals (ESOMAR).
Please follow PAMRO on social media to get updates about the 18th PAMRO All Media Research Conference. Click here to like us on Facebook. Twitter handle: @pamro_org
Pan African Media Research Organisation’s (PAMRO) mission is to create a uniform research infrastructure for African countries, and to use the same measuring and target marketing methods so that results of different countries can be compared validly.
Twitter: @pamro_org