Gordon Ramsay endorses Checkers’ premium meat.
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It’s no secret that ‘celebrities sell’. People remember campaigns and brands involving celebrities. A celebrity/brand association can go a long way to a campaigns success and influence the outcome. Checkers has taken the bull by the horns and had its meat section endorsed by one of the world’s most famous ‘infamous’ food and food service critics.

Credible critic

Retailer Checkers says it has been improving its meat range and to prove it has put its money where its mouth is, research to find the most credible food critic in the eyes of the public was conducted.

Expert obtained

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The food critic chosen was none other than food and food service critique extraordinaire Gordon Ramsay. He endorses Checkers’ premium meat ranges in an advertising campaign which makes use of both social media and television as the platforms.

Campaign launch

The campaign begins today (19 October) with the first of two TV ads being flighted on Checkers Facebook page, while the TV launch takes place on 22 October.

Rationale for Ramsay

The company said Ramsay had been chosen “because of his reputation as the world’s toughest food critic”.

Next year’s Annual Report will show interested marketers if Ramsay’s endorsement really worked for the company. In the meantime Adcom eagerly awaits feedback as the campaign progresses.

Ed’s note: One can’t help but wonder what public reaction would be if Ramsay spoke the way he usually does when filming took place: “This *#@^! meat is so #*^@!><;*# tasty!”