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News24 announces a new digital subscription service at R75/month

News24, South Africa's news platform, announced the launch of a new digital subscription service that will be available to readers from August 8. Breaking...

Why you need social commerce

Shopping has always been a social activity. Just two years ago, you would find people discussing the good and bad about their recent purchases...

Tis the season to prepare for holiday shopping

We’re already surrounded by festive season décor and most brands have been promoting their Christmas deals for weeks. Traditionally, this was done in stores,...
Idea-Hive Data storytelling specialists

Turning Big Data into Even Bigger Stories

In data storytelling, as in life, there are two sides to every story. To the creatives responsible for telling the story, data is the...

Beyond the funnel: prompting customers to switch with emotional and rational messages tailored to...

Most marketers are familiar with the concept of the marketing funnel: customers enter at the top when they become aware of a brand or...

Why executives believe closing the skills gap is an urgent priority

"In 2020, many businesses were unable to provide much-needed training to their teams, as they didn’t have the right training solutions. Their inability to...

The state of social media in South Africa

Richard Lord, Media & Operations Director at media agency Meta Media, says that 2020 proved to be a tumultuous year for advertising. Overnight, budgets...

Building brand trust and loyalty in the era of community commerce

In today's digital age, brands are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to connect with consumers and promote their products. Fuelled by the pandemic...
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