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Caxton CTP makes sustainability a priority in its business

With almost 50 years in the industry, Caxton CTP has taken steps to ensure that all elements of their print production do not negatively...
James De Waal, Head of Marketing Business Imaging Group, Canon South Africa

How programmatic print can rescue digital marketing

Digital marketing has been high on brand owners’ agendas for much of the last decade, but for many marketing departments and their agencies it...

How strategy, planning and people enabled us to create a world-class media business.

A decade ago, print media faced an existential crisis. Across the spectrum - from the media itself, advertisers, futurists and employees to our shareholders...

Fin24 changes to News24 Business and continues its critical coverage of financial news

South Africa's news website, News24, has rebranded its financial news platform, Fin24, in conjunction with a slew of changes affecting all of the publication's...
Smart Covers for GQ SA with Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

How GQ South Africa Used The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Smartphone To Shoot...

The cover of every GQ magazine is the culmination of a carefully considered vision, borne from a reputation of being at the cutting-edge of...
James De Waal, Head of Marketing Business Imaging Group, Canon South Africa

The next-generation of publishing: exclusive content

The proliferation of digital content channels, and the rise of formats such as e-books, audio books and reading apps, have driven publishers to reflect...

Rev up your brand presence with Autodealer

In a highly-competitive automotive industry, Autodealer is your one-stop-shop for ‘all things cars’. It offers an all-encompassing, motoring product offering that covers print, online...

Newspapers reach TM – Ads24

Ads24's media neutral research survey, Path to Persuasion, revealed that newspapers are an effective media advertising format for the fast food category, alongside television,...

BRICS Journal launch with On Point PR

BRICS Journal launch Although not directly related to advertising. Adcomm Media was kindly invited to attend the very neat and promising BRICS journal launch...

The Daily Sun – Newspaper launches TV show

Limiting your target audience to either newspaper or television is no longer necessary, depending on your audience targeted. The Daily Sun complements its daily...
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